One of the organizations I love is BAD RAP, Bay Area Doglovers Responsible About Pitbulls. They are an amazing group of owners, trainers, rescuers, and educators in Oakland, CA, working to secure the future of the American Pit Bull Terrier as a cherished family companion.

After borrowing a video they posted on facebook yesterday, I spent some time on their website to see what’s new. They have great info about pitbulls and their history and lots of resources for owners. Of course I ended up on their adoptable dog page.

Their pictures, videos and descriptions were so engaging that I read the entire page this morning. As intended, they made me want to bring another dog home.

Here’s one of their adoption candidates, Bouncer: (on the bench)

A little closer to home, Willamette Humane Society has some great pibbles up for adoption. I am in love with Barkley’s face.

Apparently he’s also a silly boy.

Our house is full, but as usual, these pics and videos made me think the “just one more” thoughts. I’ll just have to wait until my parents go on vacation and we pit-sit their girls to get my house full of pibbles.